Natasha Moon pads midi latkova vlozka Stars Lila

476 Kč
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Moon pads midi are recommended for normal and heavy menstruation. You will feel like at "cotton".

Unique drainage system allow fast absorbency without  risk of leaking. Absorption core made from hemp and protective PUL layer guarantees active life during your menstruation.

Soft and smooth 100% organic fabric protect your delicate skin during your red days.

Popper closure keep the pad on right place. Two poppers on the wings allow adapt size according your pants.

It is made from 100% organic cotton GOTS for delicate skin.

Sizing:  22cm x 7,5cm

Closure: popper

Material: outershell: 100% soft organic cotton GOTS ,

                absorption: 100% organic cotton

                waterproof layer: 100% polyester with  PUL

Quantity: 2pcs

Care: after using soak in cold water and wash as usually, before drying stretch in your hands

Certificate: GOTS certificate

Note: use side without logo towards a body.

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